Sunday, October 21, 2012

October 21,2012 6:03am
Trying to work out Matisse Studio so I can get it on the canvas today. Weather is still warm so I can work in the garage. I have this one to lay out,at least get the wash of color and Matisse Couch. Both will be the same size since that's what's left in canvas inventory. I'll need to order more canvases. I made a list of the artists left in the first studio series. Palettes of Derain. I  took my big Derain canvas off the stretchers. Thinking of gluing it on wood. Back to the list.Small square canvases for Braque.
Leger and a portrait of LeCourbusier,he was kind of freaky looking.Villion,who had a shelf ala Cezanne. That should do it. I need to work on the photographs I took at Homer's studio. Need to decide what size. Oh, and the 2 paintings sitting on  the deck  I've been spray painting.
Other than that?
I have another application for an opportunity in Maine. When I got off the Downeaster in Portland last week I thought" Are you nuts " How the hell am I going to drag this stuff to Maine.So rather then worry about that I'll do another now that's nuts!
Sun will be up in about half an hour,time to get to work.

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