Monday, November 16, 2009

Nov,16th 6:20am

Years of writing with a sharpie pen in all kinds of books. Sketches,misspelled words,rambings at 3am,now,for all to see. I think I will start by posting the drawings from the firsts visual book.
The one where I describe my nervous breakdown. This is the first drawing,can't find the one describing the nervous breakdown,it will come later (boy this sure beats the sharpie pen) some background and something I've always wanted to tell is how I lived for 10 years in a hole,like a big black hole,
being treated like a piece of dirt and I looking very much like this I silently,without waking anyone up got out. I've been talking to myself for years.Here she is the star of the show.
Self portrait after being sent to my room. I loved my room.
I had a night stand with a nice bottle of wine some pretzels,crayons and this notebook. I normally wrote in the kitchen but after being sent to my room night after night I stashed some supplies. The death threats would fly up the steps in smokey clouds. "When I get back your're next!" Time to open the wine!

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