Tuesday, December 8, 2009

don't you just love the guy with the gun? How poetic.
Well,back to Camden. When I started I loved it. I was on the 2nd floor,room was a disaster but overlooked the school yard. Had a great time. I painted the door blue and woodwork yellow like Vincent's bedroom. I'm reading Mango Papers as I write this and would like to put the whole thing in this writing I'll try yo figure that out. so many cool drawings and of course tons of my blood dripping pain ridden comments. Here is a page. "I went to the dining room where I am working on the watercolor boxes.It is so quiet. 5:30am sat morning.I am reading Quadalupe
Mother of the New Creation.I am looking at the large self portrait from 2 years ago and thinking what is she trying to tell me what is she trying to say. the center with the hands stretching out.
Then ,I'm back to today,then I write some insane thing about cosmic triumphs over historic.
Here is the painting I was talking about in the 2001 notebook which is from 1999 notebook.

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